Privacy Policy


Only the English version of the privacy policy is legally binding. Translations have been provided purely for user convenience. In the event of discrepancy between a translation and the English master, the English master prevails.

Our Commitment
Your privacy is important to us and we are committed to the protection of the personal information we collect from you.

This policy explains how we use and protect the personal information that we collect and share. Its goal is transparency and assistance to you so that you have complete confidence in the integrity of your browsing experience.

Information Collected
Personal Data You Give To Us

We collect and use personal data which you provide to us (your name, email address, phone number, etc.) on forms YOU complete when you contact our customer support team or send us an email. You are in complete control of what personal information you give us.

We have no access to personal information including payment information that you provide to other websites linked from for example to complete your booking with third party hotel reservation websites or “book direct” with hotels using their own websites/services, you should check their privacy policy before providing personal data.

Automatic Collection Of Other Information

We automatically collect some information from your computer or Device when you visit our websites or apps. This happens even if you don’t make a booking. This includes your IP address, the date and time you accessed our services, the hardware, software or internet browser you use and information about your computer’s operating system, and locale\language settings. We also collect information about clicks and which pages have been shown to you. When you make a booking, our system registers through which means and from which website you have made your booking.

For mobile device users accessing our website or apps, we also collect data that identifies your mobile device, device-specific settings and characteristics, application performance and other system activity.

Location Information And Other Information From Devices

We may collect information about your location if you have instructed your Device to send such information to the application via the privacy settings on that Device. When you use an App on a Device, we will collect and use information about you, including location information, in generally similar ways and for similar purposes as when you use this site.

You can change the privacy settings of your Device to turn off the functionality to share location information. Please note the turning of location sharing may affect certain features of our App.

Use of Collected Information
General Purpose And Legal uses

We use the information collected about you for the following general purposes:

To communicate with you in general, including to provide information about us;
To respond to your questions and comments;
To facilitate your booking of hotel reservations;
To measure interest in and improve our products, services, and this Website;
To engage in direct marketing or notify you about special offers and products or services available from us or our partners that may be of interest to you in accordance with your marking preference;
To otherwise customize your experience with us, including customizing the ads shown to you on other websites;
To solicit information from you, including through surveys;
To resolve disputes or troubleshoot problems;
To prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities;
To enforce our Terms of use; and
As otherwise described to you at the point of collection
To use your personal data as described above, we rely on the following legal bases

Performance of a contract: the use of your information may be necessary to perform the contract that you initiated with us.

Legitimate interests: we may use your information for our legitimate interests, such as to provide you with the best suitable content of the website, emails and newsletters, to improve and promote our products and services and the content on our website, and for administrative, fraud detection and legal purposes including disputes between our commercial partners.

Share Your Data With a Third Party

We may share your information with the following entities:

Suppliers, including but not limited to hotels or other third-party agents whom fulfil your booking. Throughout this site and its affiliated sites, all products and services provided by third-party suppliers are described as such. Information that we share with suppliers to facilitate booking will be treated according to applicable suppliers’ privacy policies
You must review the privacy policies, terms of use, and other policies of any travel supplier whose products and services you may purchase through this site. Please note that these suppliers also may contact you as necessary to obtain additional information about you or your travel plans, to facilitate your travel booking, or for other purposes consistent with the practices described in their privacy policies and terms of use.
Third-party vendors who provide services or functions on our behalf, including business analytics, payment processing, customer service, marketing, public relations, distribution of surveys, and fraud prevention. We may also authorize third-party vendors to collect information on our behalf, including, for example, as necessary to operate features of our Website or to facilitate the delivery of online advertising tailored to your interests. Third-party vendors have access to and may collect information only as needed to perform their functions.
Business partners with whom we may offer products or services in conjunction. You can tell when a third party is involved in a product or service you have requested because their name will appear either with ours or separately. If you choose to access these optional services, we may share information about you, including your personal information, with those partners. Please note that we do not control the privacy practices of these third-party business partners and they may engage in direct marketing to you.
Affiliated Websites: If you were referred to this Website from another website, we may share your registration information, such as your name, email address about you with that referring website. We have not placed limitations on the referring websites’ use of personal information and we encourage you to review the privacy policies of any website that referred you to this site.
We also may share your information if we believe, in our sole discretion, that such disclosure is necessary:

to comply with legitimate and enforceable subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process; to establish or exercise our legal rights; to defend against legal claims; or as otherwise required by law. In such cases we reserve the right to raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us;
to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal or suspected illegal activities; to protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of this company and our subsidiary, our customers, or others; and in connection with our Terms of Use and other agreements; or
in connection with a corporate transaction, such as a divestiture, merger, consolidation, or asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.
Other than as set out above, you will be notified when personal information about you will be shared with third parties, and you will have an opportunity to choose not to have us share such information.

Protection Of Your Information
How Long We Keep Your Information For

We may retain certain information associated with your account in our archives, including for analytical purposes as well as for recordkeeping integrity. The periods for which we retain your information depend on the purpose for which we collected it and we use it.

We will not retain your personal information for longer than is necessary for our business purposes or for legal requirements. We may retain some information for a period of time after you have concluded your contract with us or requested information erasure, if this is necessary to meet our legal obligations or to exercise, defend or establish legal rights.

How Can You Control The Information You Have Given To Us

Your rights and choices with respect to the collection and use of your information:

You can choose not to provide us with your personal information
You have the right to ask us what personal information we hold about you by contacting
You can erase your information by contacting
You also will be given the opportunity to unsubscribe from promotional messages in any such email we send.
Please note that we may send you other communications, including service announcements, and administrative messages relating to your inquiries.

How We Protect Your Information

We observe reasonable procedures to prevent unauthorised access to, and the misuse of, personal data.

We use appropriate technology and audit procedures to protect and safeguard the personal data you give us. While no website can guarantee security, we have implemented and maintain appropriate physical, administrative, technical, and organisational measures to protect the personal information you provide us against unauthorized or unlawful access, interference, modification, use or disclosure, and against accidental loss, damage, alteration or destruction.

Only authorized personnel are permitted to access personal data in the course of their work, and they only may do so for permitted business functions. In addition, we use encryption when transmitting your personal information between your system and ours, and between our system and those of the parties with whom we share sensitive information, and we employ firewalls and intrusion detection systems to help prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to your information.

Children’s Information

No one under the age of 18 may use these Services. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under 18, and will delete any that we learn we have collected or received that was not provided by, or with express consent on behalf of, the child’s parent or legal guardian.

External Link
This Website may include links to third party websites. If you access other websites from the links provided on our Website, the operators of those websites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policy, which may differ from this Privacy Policy. You are advised to examine the privacy statements posted on those other websites to understand their procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing personal information.

International Transfers
We are obliged to inform you about International transfers. At all times we take great care to conduct due-diligence of our professional sub-contractors, enact proper information and audit controls, and protect your personal data. After all – it is our reputation that you place your confidence in.

Your information will be stored and processed by our servers which may be located outside of the country/region that you reside in and outside of any multinational union (including the European Economic area). In addition, some of the third-party companies, agents, and contractors that we engage to perform services on our behalf may need to receive and\or transfer your personal information, internationally, in order to provide their services.

Some territories may not have privacy laws as comprehensive as those set out in this privacy policy or as set out under your domicile. Organisations to which we share personal information may reside in countries without the same protections that would apply under your local law, and you may not be able to seek redress in the alternative jurisdiction.

By using our services and providing your personal information to us, you consent that your personal information, if provided, will be transferred outside of your national or multinational domicile, in accordance with this privacy policy.

Cookie and Beacon policy
When you visit this site or make use of our services you automatically receive cookies which are technical prerequisites for the site\application to function. In addition, we use third party cookies and web beacons for personalising your preferences, general analytics, 3rd party ad serving and other commercial purposes. This policy explains the types of cookies we use, the purposes for which we use them and how you can block and remove such cookies.

What are your choices

You can manage cookies through the settings of your Internet browser which can notify you when you receive a new cookie, delete individual cookies or delete all cookies. If you choose to delete our cookies, your access to some functionality on this site will likely be degraded.

We currently do not support any “Do Not Track” browser settings. This is because no common Internet Standard has been developed to specify what ‘Do Not Track’ entails.

What is a cookie

Cookies are small text files that are automatically placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit almost any Web site. They are stored by your Internet browser. Cookies contain basic information about your Internet use, but they do not normally identify you personally. Your browser sends these cookies back to the site every time you revisit it, so it can recognise your computer or mobile device and personalize and improve your site experience.

Next to cookies, other tracking technologies are used which are similar to cookies. These can include web beacons (also known as pixel tags, web bugs or gifs). A web beacon is a tiny graphic image of just one pixel that can be delivered to your computer as part of a web page request, in an app, in an advertisement or in an HTML email message.

All these technologies are together referred to in this Cookie Statement as “cookies”.

How are cookies used

The below sets out the various types of cookies we use, why we (or relevant third parties) use them.

Technical cookies: We offer our visitors an advanced, user-friendly website and apps that adapt automatically to their needs and wishes. Cookies are absolutely required for the website to function correctly by facilitating your user session and ensuring optimal performance of our website systems.
Functional cookie: We also use functional cookies to remember your preferences and to help you to use our website and apps efficiently and effectively. We may also use cookies to remember your registration information. These functional cookies are not strictly necessary for the functioning of our website or apps, but they add functionality and enhance your experience with us.
Analytics cookies: We make use of analytics cookies as part of our online advertising campaigns to learn how users interact with our website or apps after they have been shown an online advertisement. This may include advertisements on third-party websites. Analytics cookies may also be used to enable our business partners to learn if their customers make use of accommodation offers integrated into their websites.
Commercial cookies: We use third-party cookies to facilitate the display of personalized advertisements on our websites and on other websites. This is called “retargeting,” and it is based on browsing activities, such as the destinations you have been searching for, the accommodation you have viewed and the prices you have been shown.
Changes to this Policy
We may change or modify this Privacy and Cookie Policy in the future. We will note the date that revisions were last made to this Privacy Policy at the bottom of this page, and any revisions will take effect on the third business day upon this policy being published. We advise you to check this Privacy Policy to review the most current version.

All enquiries regarding Privacy and Cookie Policy should be sent to the following address:

This policy was last updated on 09th Dec 2018